In The Media

The Jack Mountain Bushcraft School and founder Tim Smith have been featured in a variety of regional and national media, including newspapers, magazines, radio, television and online media. Below is a list of media appearances.

[Field & Stream Graphic] Field & Stream Magazine
– October, 2016
Tim was quoted in the “Fire Drill” quiz regarding where to look for dry firewood in the winter.

[Downeast Logo] Downeast Magazine
– September, 2016
Jack Mountain was mentioned in the ‘North by East’ section of the print magazine. “Canadian border agents met seven canoeists from Maine’s Jack Mountain Bushcraft School on a rural road north of town, toting customs forms and towing a mobile x-ray unit. The paddlers were on the first leg of 300-mile river journey from Masardis to Lubec, and the ad-hoc border crossing spared them a 4-mile portage trip through town.”

[NPR Graphic] National Public Radio – Here And Now
– June 1, 2016
Tim was quoted by Robin Young on NPR’s ‘Here And Now’ about the negative effects of technology in the back country. The premise is that technology leads to greater risk-taking due to an expectation of rescue.
Article with a link to the audio  

[CSM Graphic] The Christian Science Monitor
– May 27, 2016
Tim was quoted by in Max Lewontin’s article on hikers and technology in the back country.
Read the article.  

[Outside Online Graphic] Outside Magazine
– March, 2016
Tim was quoted several times in J.R. Sullivan’s article “Our Reliance on Technology Makes the Backcountry More Dangerous.” The premise is that technology leads to greater risk-taking due to an expectation of rescue.
Read The Article  

[Lincoln Journal Star] Lincoln Journal Star
– January 30, 2016
Tim was quoted several times in Cory Matteson’s article on Sam Larson titled “No longer ‘Alone,’ Lincoln survivalist wants to share skills.” Sam is a Jack Mountain alumnus who rose to fame on the tv show Alone.
Read The Article  

[Rodale Institute] Rodale Institute
– August 6, 2015
Jack Mountain was mentioned as an educational institution on foraging and wild plant use in an article by Renes Ciulla title “Native Plants Found In The US”.
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[AMC Outdoors] Appalachian Mountain Club Outdoors
– February 10, 2015
Tim was interviewed by Ethan Hipple for an this article on tracking and getting kids out tracking. Included is a list of specific things to look for as well as list of tracking-oriented activities.
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[The Bangor Daily News] Bangor Daily News
– January 21, 2015
In Aislinn Sarnacki’s article titled “Ways To Stay Warm In Maine’s Snowy Outdoors,” Tim was quoted with helpful advice for staying warm in the cold.
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[Discovery Channel Graphic] Dude You’re Screwed – No Sleep Nightmare
– December 17, 2014
Tim was dropped off in Norway for the final episode of season 2. Available on YouTube.
More About The Show  

[Backpacker Magazine Logo] Backpacker Magazine
– September, 2014
Tim’s advice on best uses was published in an article titled “Saved By 10 Feet Of Paracord.”Read The Article  

[Weather Channel Logo] The Weather Channel
– August 28, 2014
Jack Mountain was featured for teaching meteorology in an article titled “10 Lifesaving Skills You Could Learn At Survival Camp”.Read The Article  

[Man Fire Food] Man Fire Food – Cooking Channel
– August 5, 2014
Tim and the field school were featured on camera on the “Wilderness Cooking” episode of this show featuring host Roger Mooking. Watch as they make a cooking pyramid, roast whole chickens, bake sourdough in a reflector oven and cook fish on a stick.
Watch the show on Amazon or YouTube.

[The Huffington Post] The Huffington Post
– April 30, 2014
Tim and Jack Mountain were featured in an article titled “These Survival Myths Could End Up Killing You!”
Read The Article  

[The Union Leader] The New Hampshire Union Leader
– March 8, 2014
Article on our self-reliance workshop series with GALA, focusing on a recent soap making class.
Read The Article  

[The Bushcraft Magazine] The Bushcraft Magazine
– Winter 2013-2014 Issue
Tim’s article titled “How To Use Snowshoes” is featured in the magazine and on the cover.
Read The Article  

[WCSH6] 207 News Show
– February, 4, 2014
Writer Brian Kevin and photographer Mark Fleming were on the 207 news show on WCSH6 in Portland, Maine, to talk about their time at The Jack Mountain Bushcraft School.
View Now  

[Downeast Logo] Downeast Magazine
– February, 2014
Feature article on Jack Mountain and the military veterans who attended the fall, 2013 Wilderness Bushcraft Semester.
“Out here in the Maine woods,” Tim said, “it’s nice to pretend that places like Iraq don’t exist.”
Read The Article  

[WMWV Graphic] WMWV Radio
– January 8, 2014
Tim, instructor Tom Belluscio and Emily Richey from GALA were interviewed about the Self Reliance Workshop Series, a monthly program taking place in Ossipee, NH, in 2014.

[The Bangor Daily News] Bangor Daily News
– Winter, 2013 Outdoors Magazine
In Aislinn Sarnacki’s article titled “Tricks For Enjoying Maine’s Frozen Outdoors,” Tim and the Jack Mountain Bushcraft School were quoted numerous times giving tips for staying warm and safe outdoors during the Maine winter.
Print Edition Only

[USA Today Graphic] USA Today
– December 3, 2013
12 Survival Schools That Could Save Your Life. Jack Mountain is the second of 12 schools featured in this article. “Few wilderness schools are as comprehensive as Jack Mountain.”
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[Fox News Graphic] Fox News
– September 6, 2013
13 Survival Myths That Could Kill You. Tim is quoted several times in this piece about the pervasive myths that give bad advice. “Survival is very romanticized. It’s not about being the toughest or most experienced; it’s about keeping out of those situations.”
Read The Article  

[Canoeroots Graphic] Canoeroots
– Spring, 2013
One of Tim’s photos was used on page 31 for an article on canoe poling.

[Portland Phoenix Graphic] The Portland Phoenix
– February 8, 2012
Woman Vs. Wild. Deirdre Fulton from the Portland Phoenix participated in the January, 2012 Winter Survival Weekend Course. Read about her experience and some of the things she took away from it.
“Life doesn’t have to be always chasing one more piece of gear,” Smith says. “I don’t need a lot, to do a lot.”
Read The Article  

[Stone By Stone] Stone By Stone
– October, 2011
Photographer and friend Taj Forer published this book of photographs, many of which were shot at the field school. In his words: “This photo series examines the practices of hunter-gatherer peoples in order to both preserve these nearly lost skills and represent an alternative way of life for an uncertain future.”
Get the book at  

[Mother Jones Graphic] Mother Jones
– June, 2011
Tim was mentioned in Brian Kevin’s article titled “Savage Love” about survival television.
“Smith theorizes that traditional skills have an increasing allure for Americans who feel alienated from the processes of filling their own basic needs – folks who can text, tweet, and play Bejeweled simultaneously while going through airport security, but would be at a total loss to start a fire.”
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[Outside Online Graphic] Outside Magazine
– February, 2011
The Jack Mountain Bushcraft School was listed as one of the top five survival schools in the USA.
Read The Article  

mwgo graphic Maine Wilderness Guides Organization Newsletter
– Fall, 2009
We’ve had the good fortune to be featured in a bunch of media outlets over the years, and while it’s always nice to see your name in print, when your peers write about you it means that much more.
Read The Article  

[Men's Fitness Graphic] Men’s Fitness
– February, 2009
Tim was featured in an article titled “Surviving The Elements” (“When Tragedy Strikes” in the print edition) by Jesse Huffman, giving survival advice for winter hikers and snowshoers.
Read The Article  

[Forbes Traveler Graphic] Forbes Traveler
– October 15, 2008
Jack Mountain was featured in an article titled Extreme Survival Schools by Scott Bowen. “The instructors at Jack Mountain Bushcraft can teach you everything from how to live happily in the woods with nothing but a knife, to proper snow-shoeing techniques, to the art of tracking (because tracking leads to eating).” The photo they used is of longtime friend and instructor Jeff Butler paddling across Chamberlain Lake in the morning mist on a 2006 guide training course.
Read The Article  (It’s a slide show and will change in a few seconds)  

[Parent's Magazine Graphic] Parents Magazine
– October, 2008
Tim was featured in an article titled “Could You Handle An Emergency?” by Michelle Crouch, and was quoted about what to do when confronted by a black bear while hiking.

[Men's Journal Magazine] Men’s Journal
– August 2008 – Vol. 17, No.7
Our northern Quebec canoe and bushcraft trip with Cree guides was featured in an article in the Adventure section by Jesse Huffman. They included a photo of pike we caught in a gill net being smoked over a fire.

[Granite State News Graphic] The Granite State News
– July 17, 2008
Titled “Finding edible plants and medicines in your back yard” and written by Elissa Paquette, the article is a recap of a recent guided plant walk and discusses the uses of some of the plants we found.

[Plane & Pilot Magazine Logo] Plane & Pilot Magazine
– June 2008
Tim and Survivorman Les Stroud were featured in an article titled “Getting Out Alive; Survival experts show pilots what to do when the propeller stops spinning” by Marc C. Lee.
Read The Article  

[AMC Outdoors] AMC Outdoors – The Appalachian Mountain Club Magazine
– April 2008
Tim was featured in an article titled Pole Position by Christopher Collier about canoe poling.
Read The Article  

[Portland Magazine Logo] Portland Magazine
– Vol. 23, No.1 – February/March 2008
“Follow the paddle whirlpools of America’s greatest naturalist at The Jack Mountain Bushcraft School.”

[Paddler Magazine Logo] Paddler Magazine
– May/June, 2007
Tim’s article on canoe poling titled “Pole Position” appeared on pages 74-75.

[Boston Globe Logo] The Boston Globe
– May 6, 2007
Tim was quoted about the waterways being the traditional highways through the northeast in the section about the Northern Forest Canoe Trail in Ethan Gilsdorf’s article “10 Things Not To Miss”.

[Discovery Channel Graphic] The Discovery Channel – Man Vs. Wild
– December 22, 2006
Tim worked as the survival expert and consultant on the “Alaskan Mountain Range” episode of season 1 of Man Vs. Wild with Bear Grylls.
More About The Show  

[New York Times Graphic] The New York Times
– November 10, 2006
We’re mentioned in the Details section at the end of this article, titled “Setting Out Into the Wilderness With Only a Knife” and featuring Tony Nestor of Arizona.
Read The Article  

[The North Texan Graphic] The North Texan
Alumni Magazine of the University of North Texas
– Vol. 56, No.3 – Fall, 2006
An article titled “Educator in the Wilderness” featured Tim and Jack Mountain Bushcraft & Guide Service. It discussed the role of nature in academics and how Tim sees them as intertwined.
Read The Article  

[Natural New England Graphic] Natural New England Magazine
– Issue 28 – Summer, 2006
Tim was featured in an article on canoe poling, and an article he wrote about a ten-day snowshoe trip with no sleeping bag appeared in the “Field Notes” section.

[Northwoods Sporting Journal Logo] Northwoods Sporting Journal
– June, 2006
Outdoor Survival Tips columnist Charlie Reitze wrote about Tim in his monthly column.

[Natural New England Graphic] Natural New England Magazine
– Issue 27 – Spring, 2006
Tim was featured in an article on campfire cooking, demonstrating how to set up a simple and versatile tripod.

[St. Paul Pioneer Press Graphic] St. Paul Pioneer Press – St. Paul, Minnesota
– March 20, 2006
Tim’s wilderness survival presentation from Canoecopia was summarized in an article by Richard Chin titled “Murphy’s Law.”

[Canoe & Kayak Graphic] Canoe & Kayak Magazine
– March, 2006
Tim’s wilderness survival presentation was mentioned in an article about Canoecopia, the world’s largest paddlesports show.
Read The Article  

[The Best Travel Writing 2006] The Best Travel Writing 2006; True Stories From Around The World
– February, 2006
Tim was featured in this book in a reprinted story about a canoe trip on Maine’s Big Black river by Tom Haines. It was originally published in the Boston Globe on June 12, 2005.
Get the book at  

[Burlington Free Press Graphic] Burlington Free Press – Burlington, Vermont
– January 5, 2006
Our winter axemanship and firebuilding workshop was written up and one of Tim’s photos was featured in the Outside section.

[NMLRA Graphic] Muzzle Blasts
Official Publication of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association
– Vol. 67, No. 5 – January 2006
Jack Mountain was featured in the Web Blasts section.

[NRA News Graphic] NRA News – National Rifle Association Radio
Cam & Company, December 21, 2005
Tim spoke with Joel Brewer on “Cam & Company” about Jack Mountain’s Earth skills and survival programs.

[Hippo Press Graphic] The Hippo – City News and Entertainment
– Vol. 5, No. 49 – December 8-14, 2005
Tim was featured in an article by Robert Greene titled “Choose Your Own Adventure” that explored adventures near Manchester, New Hampshire.
Read The Article  

[Natural New England Graphic] Natural New England Magazine
– Issue 24 – Summer, 2005
Tim was featured in an article on survival highlighting the importance of fire and shelter.

[Field & Stream Graphic] Field & Stream Magazine
– July, 2005
Our school and courses were featured in the “Where To Go” section. The article included four photos of ESSP alumnus Ernie Davis. Tim was quoted as saying, “I don’t teach primitive skills out of nostalgia. I teach them because they work and they’re efficient.”
Read The Article  

[Boston Globe Logo] The Boston Globe
– June 12, 2005
Tim and Don Merchant were featured in an article by Tom Haines about paddling the Big Black river titled “The River Wild; Canoeing Big Black Inspires Thoughts On The Nature Of Things.”
Read The Article  

[Bushwhacker Logo] Bushwhacker Wilderness Adventure
– Spring, 2005
The Canoe Expedition & Guide Training Course was featured in an article.
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[New Hampshire Wildlife Federation Logo] New Hampshire Wildlife News
– Volume 27, Number 2 – March/April, 2005
The Earth Skills Summer Program was featured in an article.

[Outdoors Monthly Logo] Outdoors Monthly
– March, 2005
The Earth Skills Summer Program was featured in an article.

[ Logo] – The Online FlyFishing Resource Guide
– March 22, 2005
Our Canoe Expedition and Guide Training Course was featured in an article.
Read The Article  

[Wisconsin Public Radio Graphic] Wisconsin Public Radio
– Conversations With Larry Meiller, March 9, 2005
Tim and Darren Bush spoke with Larry about canoes, canoeing, and wilderness survival.
  Listen    (You’ll need Real Player)

[Natural New England Graphic] Natural New England Magazine
– Issue 22 – Winter, 2005
The Earth Skills Summer Program was featured in the Trail Mix section.

[Granite State News Graphic] The Granite State News
– January 6, 2005
Tim was featured in the article “Sleeping In The Woods On A Snowy Evening” by Sarah Anderson.

[NH To Do Graphic] NH To Do Magazine
– Vol. 4 No. 12 – December, 2004
ESSP alumnus Peter Frost’s article about winter survival features his experiences in the winter woods of NH.

[CMT Graphic] Country Music Television – CMT Most Shocking; Survivalists
– Fall, 2004
Tim was featured and discussed his philosophy of wilderness survival.
Read More  

[Granite State News Graphic] The Granite State News
– July 22, 2004
“For those serious about the outdoors, Jack Mountain Bushcraft and Guide Service in Wolfeboro provides a thorough and comprehensive introduction to traditional wilderness living and travel.”

[Scholastic Graphic] Scholastic Science World Magazine
– Vol. 60 No. 14 – May 10th, 2004
Tim was featured in an article by Jeanna Bryner titled “Could You Survive the Tropics?”.
Read More  

[WMTW Graphic] WMTW News 8 – Portland, Maine
– February 17th, 2004
Steve Minich featured the Earth Skills Semester Program on his weekly “Out & About” segment.

[ Graphic]
– September 5th, 2003
JMB&GS was chosen as New Hampshire
website of the week.

[Pathways Graphic] Pathways – The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education
– Summer, 2003
Tim’s philosophy of survival-based outdoor education was featured in a reprint of David Ader’s article that originally appeared in Massachusetts Wildlife Magazine.

[Union Magazine Graphic] Union College Magazine
– February, 2003
Tim was featured in an article in the Union College
alumni magazine titled “Life Isn’t A Straight Line.”
Read the Article  

[Mass. Wildlife Graphic] Massachusetts Wildlife Magazine
– No.4, 2002
“Survival mastery for people like Tim isn’t simply about staying alive in the wild; it’s about connecting to nature, to our roots, to a common ancestry. The ability to survive is the starting point, but appreciation and respect are the results.”
Read the Article  

[Mountain Zone Graphic]
– February 19, 2002
The Earth Skills Semester Program was featured in an article.
Read the Article  

[WMPG Graphic] WMPG Radio, Portland, Maine
– Sound Ecology, March 2001
Tim and Dan Fisher were guests of host Karen D’Andrea and spoke about traditional wilderness skills and living an ecologically sane lifestyle

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